12 Surprising Health Benefits of Mango You Need to Know

Mangifera indica L. or mango is recognized for being one of the four finest tropical fruits worldwide, while its peculiar flavor and high nutrient content make it the ideal complement to a healthy diet.

Externally, its bright and bright colors can vary depending on the type between green, yellow, and red tones, while inside the seed is surrounded by the pulp of this fruit, which when it reaches its ripe state turns yellow or intense orange.

That is why, in this article, we invite you to discover some of the health benefits of this fruit, the properties it contains, and the different ways of consumption.

Health benefits of mango

This delicious fruit has multiple nutrients and benefits that naturally improve certain health conditions and is even considered a “superfood” for its extensive nutritional value.

1. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Mango is a fruit rich in fiber and vitamins, making it an excellent ally for cardiovascular health, minimizing the risk of future pathologies.

Its potassium content contributes to the reduction of sodium levels, thus preventing strokes, high blood pressure, and heart failure.

For this reason, mango has become the special ally of the elderly, being the population most susceptible to this type of health complication.

2. Lowers cholesterol

The pectin present in mango peel helps regulate cholesterol levels.

This process is because this natural fiber absorbs the juices secreted by the liver, thus eliminating LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol as it is commonly known.

Therefore, if you suffer from high cholesterol, a balanced diet low in fat and containing mango can help you stabilize these levels.

3. Lowers blood sugar levels

The fiber present in mango stimulates the absorption of glucose that passes through the bloodstream, which benefits people who suffer from diabetes and unstable blood glucose levels.

On the other hand, mango has among its properties a compound known as mangiferin, it is an antioxidant present in the bark and leaves of the mango tree and even in the fruit itself.

Mangiferin is responsible for reducing blood sugar levels, taking into consideration that for some people mangoes are a sweet-tasting fruit, and their glycemic index is medium to low.

4. Strengthens the immune system

The vitamins A and C present in mango help strengthen the immune system of people susceptible to contracting certain diseases.

In addition, its Vitamin E content stimulates the body’s natural defenses to fight different types of pathologies, thus making mango the perfect nutritional supplement to take care of any disease.

5. Improves intestinal transit

Studies carried out by researchers from the University of Texas, USA, and subsequently published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, reveal that the consumption of mango improves the discomfort caused by constipation and is even more effective than the consumption of natural fiber in other presentations.

This is because mango has 5.2 grams of fiber that helps regulate intestinal transit, thus improving the consistency, frequency, and shape of feces.

Therefore, daily consumption of mango improves digestion, combats intestinal obstructions caused by constipation, significantly improves intestinal function, and increases gastrin levels.

6. Protects visual health

Eating mango improves vision due to its high content of Vitamin A, providing the human eye with a protective barrier in the conjunctiva membrane of the eyeball.

In turn, this vitamin also helps avoid irritation or burning due to dry eyes. In addition, it prevents night blindness, significantly improving visual health.

7. Contributes to weight loss

The high water content, natural fiber, and nutrients present in mango, accompanied by its low-calorie level, make it the appropriate fruit for losing weight.

This is because the amount of vitamin C and vitamin B in combination with the aforementioned properties, make burning that extra fat quickly and the most important thing is that it is natural.

Also, the vitamins contained in this fruit help improve metabolism, thus accelerating weight loss.

8. Prevents anemia

Anemia occurs due to a lack of iron in the body.

For its part, mango is rich in this mineral in addition to containing a high level of vitamin C, which facilitates the absorption of iron in the body, making it the perfect fruit to combat problems caused by anemia.

On the other hand, thanks to its properties it is also used to prevent them, its nutritional value makes it the ideal complement for balanced diets especially those that seek to increase the levels of vitamins and minerals in the body.

9. Strengthens bones and teeth

The function of vitamin K is to fix calcium in the bones and as if that were not enough, mango is also rich in this vitamin, which favors the strengthening of the skeleton including the teeth, preventing wear and tear and bone fractures.

In addition, vitamin C also helps the development of collagen in the body, keeping bone structures such as teeth and the connective tissues responsible for supporting or holding them together in good condition.

10. Delays aging

The antioxidant properties of vitamins A, C, and E make mango the ideal complement to delay aging and certain degenerative diseases.

Therefore, mangoes help obtain the retinol present in vitamin A, this component is responsible for cell regeneration in your body, thus preventing premature aging of the skin.

11. Promotes concentration

A diet rich in mango will help you strengthen memory and promote concentration, this is thanks to the fact that this fruit contains glutamic acid, that is, the protein responsible for cell maintenance and growth.

That is why specialists recommend including mango in the diet of little ones since its great contribution of vitamin B6 improves brain function and strengthens cognitive development.

12. Prevents cancer

Specialists from the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, carried out a study where they demonstrated the chemopreventive properties of mango in colon cancer.

For its part, chemoprevention is considered the use of natural chemical agents to prevent or suppress the initial phases of cancer.

The antioxidant properties that mango have significantly helped in this research to demonstrate that this fruit can be used against cancer.

In addition, they ensure that mango consumption prevents cancer cells and interferes with their development, in turn, limits the appearance of new tumor cells.

Mango properties

The Academic Unit of Chemical Biological Sciences, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico, carried out a study scientific to determine the physical, chemical, and antioxidant properties of mango.

The research was mainly based on highlighting the percentage of nutrients that said fruit contains according to the variation or type of mangoes present in that location.

In this sense, studies reveal a large number of chemical properties of mangoes, highlighting the vitamins and minerals provided by this fruit of tropical origin.


Mangoes have vitamins A, C, E, K, and vitamins that make up group B, all of which contribute to their high nutritional value.

However, you must keep in mind that the proportion of the amounts of vitamins and minerals present in this fruit varies depending on the size and type of mango consumed.

Likewise, to best obtain the vitamins present in mango, it is recommended that the fruit be fresh, and have a good smell and color, this will help the body obtain all the nutritional values ​​that this fruit has.


Minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium are the most prominent in the magician’s nutritional table.

These nutrients, accompanied by vitamins, make mango an exotic fruit with a wide variety of benefits for the body, considerably improving the health of the person who consumes it regularly.


Some fruits have a higher amount of calories than others, it is important to know the heat unit of each food before consuming it and even more so if the person suffers from any disease.

In this sense, the caloric amount of a mango per 100 grams of pulp is 60 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and zero fat content, thus being considered one of the best fruits for human consumption.

How to consume mango?

To make the most of the different nutritional resources that mango has, we explain these simple but effective recipes so you can include this fruit in your daily diet.

Mango smoothie

Currently, making and consuming smoothies has become the most fun and delicious way to consume some foods due to the thick texture that this particular fruit has.

So to enjoy a delicious mango and banana smoothie you just have to follow the following steps:


  • 1 cup of ripe mango
  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup vegetable milk


  • Pre-wash the mango and remove the peel, then you must cut it into slices or squares just like the banana.
  • Add the chopped mango and banana to a blender and add the vegetable milk. Blend until you obtain a thick consistency mixture.
  • You can add the sweetener or sweetener of your preference, however, mango and banana are already fruits with high natural sugar content. Serve and enjoy your delicious and nutritious smoothie.

mango salad

The versatility when consuming this fruit is countless. That is why we present this mango salad so that you can enjoy it as an appetizer or part of a meal.


  • 1 not very ripe mango
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 onion sliced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • First, you must wash the ingredients very well, then cut the avocado and mango into cubes, while the onion should be sliced.
  • Later, put them in a bowl or salad bowl so you can incorporate them more easily.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste. This easy and quick salad can be the complement that accompanies a main dish.

Mango jam

Mango jam is loved by the little ones in the house and is an excellent way to consume this nutrient-rich fruit. In addition, it is very simple to prepare and can be packaged so you can enjoy it whenever you like.


  • 1 not very ripe mango
  • 150 g of sugar or natural sweetener
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


  • Wash the mango very well and cut it into small cubes.
  • Then, pour the water into a saucepan and add the sugar or sweetener, stirring slowly, and when the syrup forms, add the mango cubes.
  • Stir the mixture gently for a few minutes until it thickens and reaches boiling point. Remove from heat and package.

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