8 Reasons Why All Moms Should Exercise

Although making a sport It is good and healthy for everyone, at some stages of life it becomes more complicated and can take a backseat. For those women who are mothers is more difficult to coordinate schedules, find the time, organize the activities of the whole family, or simply prioritize training within your daily routine.
Exercising not only allows moms to lose weight gained during the last pregnancy or recover the body they had last summer, but it also gives them important benefits for their health and allows them to take care of themselves.

These are the top 8 reasons why moms should exercise:

mother and son

1. Reduce stress

All mothers tend to overload themselves with activities and constantly worry about keeping their homes, work, and children organized. Exercise is a great way to disconnect for a while from the usual routine and be able to reduce stress. Can clear the mind for an hour and focusing on the health of the body also helps to release repressed feelings, loosen and stretch the muscles, and reactivate the metabolism. Furthermore, it allows the release of more endorphins and increases the feeling of well-being. Exercise is a distraction that helps release tension and improve mood.

2. Connect with the body

Whatever the physical activity carried out, it allows you to get in touch with the body and get to know it better. Be in harmony with the body It helps to detect more clearly any health problem or pain that the patient may suffer. Furthermore, it teaches us to know how it works and to be able to analyze the movements of the joints, the needs of our organs and muscles, and even our limitations.

3. Take a break from the kids (and everyone)

We all need a break sometimes. Making physical activity outside the home is one of the most effective ways to prevent family obligations or activities from falling on us. Although it is possible to train with your partner or children, it is also true that a personal moment and away from everyday life helps us relax and rest. The most advisable thing is to join a training group or call a friend to dedicate at least an hour to practicing sports away from home.


4. Fight postpartum depression

A great alternative to fight postpartum depression is to carry out activities that load positive stimuli and signals to the brain, to release hormones to our body and start to feel good. Running, doing Pilates or yoga are great options to begin to harmonize and connect with this new life and with the stress of motherhood.

5. Prioritize personal needs

The most common thing about mothers is that they worry and offer care to everyone at all times, even ignoring their own needs. Exercise is the perfect way to take care of yourself and also a great example for teaching children to take care of your health and take care of your body. To be 100% active, spend time with your children and even run, it is necessary to keep us healthy and fit.

6. Improve confidence

Exercise helps improve the appearance of our body and at the same time the way we see ourselves. The satisfaction of feeling better with our body is reflected in others and is mainly perceived by our partner. Deciding to start training is excellent for obtaining physical results and also improves self-esteem and the relationships with others.

7. Teach children to take care of themselves

By dedicating time to training the body and prioritizing health, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, and the importance of taking care of yourself. In addition to choosing healthy foods and adopting appropriate healthy habits, it is essential to be able to lead by example and demonstrate that health prevention is essential. It is also possible to include them in some family activities, proposing walks, and games that require movement, dances, or sports during the holidays and doing them as a group.

8. Sleep better

Being able to sleep enough hours a day is a privilege that few mothers can afford. Organizing the whole family, completing work, preparing the children for the next day and all the routine activities prevent you from falling asleep properly. Exercise is a great answer to this problem as it helps rest better and keep the body tired. Regardless of the hours slept, training often allows the body to rest more deeply and insomnia to disappear.

sleep better

How to prevent occupations from winning?

It is logical and understandable that all mothers are busy organizing and taking care of everything. The fatigue that this entails and how difficult it is to find the right time to exercise are some of the consequences of not exercising. In any case, this does not have to be an excuse, since exercise not only increases energy levels but is also feasible to do it taking advantage of everyday situations, intervals, or including family members.

      • Take advantage of time intervals: It is not necessary to do long training routines in a gym. One way to exercise is by creating training habits by taking advantage of intervals to exercise. For example, walking home from work, cycling, or following a routine on television while the children sleep.
      • Include children: Many women do not always have help with child care. Therefore, in addition to training at home, following routines on a DVD or on the Internet, there is also the alternative of exercising with children. It is possible to invent games that require enough movement, imitate animals, invite them to walk back from school, or plan a bicycle excursion. In addition to spending time with them, they take advantage of different situations to stay active.

stroller ride

    • Find motivation: To motivate ourselves and commit to exercise, it is best to get company. In addition to stimulating each other to carry out the activity, it is favorable for socializing with another person, talking while training, and being able to disconnect. It is also advisable to recover some old photos or models old ones to help us remember the weight we had and want to regain.
    • Be realistic but propose to change: It is important to understand that changes and benefits are progressive and take time and dedication. Beyond the results, physical activity should serve to relax, have fun, and prioritize health. In addition, it is necessary to commit to modifying some sedentary habits that can greatly contribute to improving our mood and health.
      Avoiding elevators, walking to the supermarket, using the car less, and climbing more stairs are behaviors that must be incorporated so that the body begins to acquire greater vitality and gain greater confidence and less stress.

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