How to Burn Abdominal Fat: Best Exercises and Expert Tips

Many people follow fad diets thinking they can burn belly fat without exercising. They only focus on imagining successful results and ignore the consequences that this can have. So, How can we burn abdominal fat?

Many of us invest a lot of money and energy because we want to get perfect abs. The problem is that we often waste it on the wrong things. They continually appear subsistence allowance to burn abdominal fat. Apart from recommending endless abdominal exercises that turn out to be ineffective. We have to realize that we cannot focus the dietthat is, we cannot decide where to eliminate the fat. On the other hand, we can carry out a complete program which will help us answer the question of how to burn abdominal fat, yes, by doing exercises.

Visceral Fat vs. Subcutaneous Fat

When talking about how to burn abdominal fat, we must differentiate between the different types of fat.

On the one hand, the subcutaneous fatis the one that is stored just under our skin. We can touch it and grab it, we know it is there.

On the other hand, visceral fat is the deep fat that surrounds our organs in the abdomen and is biologically active. It disrupts the normal balance and functioning of hormones, so it can affect our health. It also pumps out immune system chemicals called cytokines -chemicals that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. The good news is that visceral fat responds well to diet and exercise.

Perfect abs are made in the kitchen

To get rid of the layer of fat that covers our abdominal muscles, we must pay close attention to our diet to burn abdominal fat. Unfortunately, there is no magic diet to reduce abdominal fat. Instead, the key that will help reduce it is the following:

  • Increase intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Eat lean proteins and healthy fats
  • Include some whole grains

What foods should we eliminate

We have to avoid consuming processed products and eliminate excess salt, fat, and, especially, sugar-sweetened beverages, baked goods, and other sweets. If we consume large amounts of sugar, we can suffer hyperglycemia a high increase in blood sugar levels- and the excess would be stored as fat frequently in our abdominal area.

Exercises to burn abdominal fat in men and women

Although it is difficult to reduce a specific part of the body, according to fitness expert Yuri Elkaim, we can “strengthen that part«. The burning calories will make the layer of fat that covers our abdominal muscles disappear, so the abs will appear little by little. Elkaim explains that an effective exercise for the abdominals consists of combining the burning calories with strength exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. This is why do Crunches and sit-ups are not enough because it is necessary to burn enough calories.

Fitness expert Elkaim recommends doing the following exercises to burn abdominal fat:

  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers

It would be necessary to carry out two or three sets of six to eight repetitions each one, according to the goal set and each person’s body, using a weight that is challenging but does not become exhausting.

It may seem that these exercises are not directly aimed at our abdominals, but they do require significant strength from them. Furthermore, these exercises also help break down the fat layer on our abdomen and reduce the amount of insulin the hormone that activates our body to keep excess fat in the blood.

Reduce stress

The visceral fat of our abdomen is affected by stress levels. When we are stressed, our body releases a hormone called cortisol. Although this is a normal physiological process, it becomes a problem when stress and cortisol levels remain high for a long time. When this happens, our body begins to store excess fat in the abdominal area and we will have difficulty in undoing it. Furthermore, this contributes to a rounded abdomen.

In 2000, a study was published in Psychosomatic Medicine that reported that Stress can cause increased abdominal fateven in women and men who are thin.

If you are stressed, it is a good idea to participate in activities that can help you relax. For example, fitness or yoga.

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