Vitamins provide great benefits for the good health of the human body, because they intervene in various chemical processes that regulate the function of the body and reduce the suffering of various diseases.
Previously, the absorption of vitamins was only considered through the consumption of certain foods, however, thanks to technological advances, there are currently a wide variety of supplements that contain the necessary amount of vitamins required by the human body.
Next, you will learn about the types of vitamins, their benefits and how to consume them so that you can enjoy the wonderful benefits they can bring to your health.
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are essential substances for the formation, development and correct functioning of each of the systems that make up the body. In addition, they are responsible for the processes of chemical reactions and the release of energy necessary for the human body to function correctly.
Most of the vitamins essential for the body are found within the properties of food, others can be ingested through vitamin supplements and some can be produced by the body itself.
It should be noted that each vitamin has a specific function that basically focuses on improving the different functions carried out by the body and controlling the conditions that it may present, so a vitamin deficiency can lead to imbalances in the normal function of the body.
Types of vitamins
Each vitamin has a specific function in the body, their presence being of special importance so that the human body can perform its functions correctly.
There are 13 types of vitamins, which are:
- Vitamin A (retinol)
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- Vitamin D (calciferol)
- Vitamin E (tocopherol)
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (niacin)
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
- Vitamin B7/B8 (biotin)
- Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
- Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
In addition, they are categorized into water-soluble and fat-soluble; below you will learn what function each one performs:
Water soluble
This group is made up of vitamin C and group B vitamins. It is called water-soluble because they can be dissolved in water, so their intake should be in greater quantities because these components are regularly excreted through urine.
The intake of citrus fruits, red meat, fish, cereals, and abundant fruits and vegetables, maintains the amount of water-soluble vitamins in the body at an optimal level. In the case of vegetarians, these must be absorbed through vitamin supplements.
Vitamins A, E, D and K are those that make up the fat-soluble group, this refers to the fact that the body stores these substances in fat, tissues and liver, so they cannot be dissolved in water and their deficiency occurs. in cases of people with eating problems.
The concentration of these vitamins is found in foods such as: liver, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, tuna and the particularity of vitamin D generated by the body when the body is exposed to sunlight.
Benefits of vitamins
Vitamins, being compounds necessary for the vital development of the human body, have multiple benefits that improve their functionality and reduce the risk of suffering from certain diseases, thus becoming one of the most important substances for human health.
Below are the benefits you can obtain by consuming vitamins:
They contribute to the proper functioning of the heart
Thiamine or vitamin B1 and vitamin C are the two main substances used for the proper functioning of the heartbecause they contribute to the absorption of iron and prevent heart diseases associated with LDL cholesterol, which lodges in the main veins and arteries of the body causing blockages.
Therefore, the intake of foods rich in these vitamins, such as: tomato, orange, oats nuts, liver, among others, are important to increase the levels of vitamin C and B1 in your body.
They allow the proper functioning of the nervous system
A study published by the Chilean Medical Journal determined that elderly people can suffer from dementia due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, this is because this compound is important in the production of myelin.
Myelin is a protective layer that covers the nerves responsible for transmitting the sensations that the body perceives and the brain processes, therefore, Vitamin B12 is an important supplement for the proper functioning of the nervous system from the development of the embryo to people of advanced age.
Protect cells from oxidative damage
The antioxidants present in vitamins A, C and E are compounds that eliminate free radicals avoiding premature aging of the body and alterations in DNA.
Therefore, the consumption of red fruits, spinach walnuts, beet orange vegetables and fruits, help the body absorb the antioxidants necessary for its proper functioning.
Strengthen the immune system
To strengthen the system responsible for creating defenses against viruses or diseases and counteracting them, it is necessary that you consume foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6, this is because both are the main substances responsible for increasing the protective barrier that keeps the body healthy. .
They contribute to good blood circulation
One of the most extensive and important systems of the human body is the circulatory system, since it is responsible for distributing blood throughout the body for the proper function of the organs and extremities.
To do this, it is necessary to take vitamins such as: vitamin B3, which is responsible for strengthening blood vessels, vitamin C, which prevents blood clotting, vitamin E, which helps widen blood vessels for better circulation and vitamin K responsible for clotting blood to prevent bleeding.
They maintain the proper functioning of the metabolism
Metabolism is the capacity that every human has in charge of the physiological processes and chemical reactions typical of each system.
There are people who have slow or poorly functional metabolisms, therefore, a balanced diet that includes group B vitamins, present in bananas, eggs and whole foods, can accelerate the metabolism naturally.
Strengthens bones and muscles
A investigation published by the Oregon State University certifies that Vitamin D is essential for strengthening the bone system, since this vitamin helps the body absorb the calcium necessary to maintain the health of bones and teeth.
On the other hand, this component also intervenes in the development of muscle mass, which in turn provides correct contraction of the muscles, thus helping to avoid conditions such as contractures or cramps.
They contribute to the formation of red blood cells and hormones
Vitamin B12 is the main compound in the formation of red blood cells, while vitamin E is responsible for oxygenating and protecting the reproductive system. Both vitamins can be ingested through food or supplements and their deficiency can trigger hematological and reproductive diseases.
They keep vision, skin and hair in good condition
He National Institutes of Health made a publication detailing that biotin helps against hair loss and improves health conditions caused mainly by skin rashes, so its consumption is necessary during the development of every individual.
On the other hand, vitamin A is considered the most effective against eye problems, because it is responsible for maintaining the mucous membranes and soft tissues, while it also produces the pigments of the retina of the eye, becoming the best ally for people who suffer from vision.
Maintain psychological health
Mental health is one of the most studied scientific fields due to the great complexity of the brain human. Group B vitamins and vitamin D benefit psychological health because they are responsible for the metabolic and cellular processes of the body, causing brain function to improve significantly.
They provide energy and vitality
If the human body remains healthy, with a sufficient amount of vitamins necessary for its proper functioning, you will feel that you have enough energy and vitality to carry out your daily activities.
In this sense, vitamins B, C and E are indicated for reducing physical exhaustion, due to their metabolic, antioxidant and regenerative functions, making them the ideal complement to maintain the vitality you need.
How to consume vitamins?
Vitamins, being compounds necessary for the health of the human body, must be consumed through food or supplements so that the body absorbs them and each one fulfills its function.
For this reason, below you will learn about the two ways to consume vitamins so that you can adopt the one that best suits you:
In food
Foods are the main source of vitamins, in addition to providing these components naturally, they are the easiest way to consume them and the most recommended when it comes to children.
Therefore, a balanced diet that contains all types of meats, vegetables, cereals and fruits will provide you with great health benefits and will keep your body vitalized with all the vitamins you acquire from food.
In supplements
Supplements are preparations made with the purpose of providing you with one or more vitamins through formulas for food shakes, capsules or injectable ampoules.
Currently, there are supplements manufactured especially for people who follow a vegetarian diet, because they usually have a deficiency in the vitamins provided by foods of animal origin, so supplements are an excellent replacement for these meals.
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