Rice is one of the most consumed carbohydrates in our diets. For approximately half of the world’s population, this cereal constitutes the basis of their diet, we are talking not only about regions in Asia but also in Africa and America.
The great variety of this cereal is what contributes to its diffusion among cultures. In the West, the most used variety is white or refined rice. This variety is achieved by eliminating most of the iron, vitamins, zinc, and magnesium, which makes it a food with minimal nutritional value.
But surely you have heard about brown rice as the most nutritious option. Do you think it’s true? Should you change the variety? Here we provide you with all the information so you can choose the perfect option for your health.
We begin by determining that brown rice is essentially white rice before being subjected to a refining process. Therefore, we determined that it is the purest variety and free of any chemical process.
Nutritionally, there is no comparison between these two forms of rice, discover these 6 benefits of the most beneficial rice:
1 – Brown rice is rich in selenium
Extremely rich in selenium, an important mineral that drastically reduces the chances of developing many diseases.
2 – It is high in magnesium
One cup of brown rice provides more than 80% of our daily magnesium needs. This mineral helps the human body create important fatty acids that lower cholesterol, in addition to being beneficial for the nervous and reproductive systems.
3 – Contains beneficial oils
These oils are heart-healthy and can help the body reduce “bad” forms of cholesterol.
4 – It is low in fat and high in fiber so it promotes weight loss
Due to its high fiber content and ability to maintain healthy intestinal function, brown rice keeps the body moving, therefore promoting weight loss and metabolic function.
5 – Brown rice is a whole-grain
So it has not lost its integrity. Studies have shown that 6 servings of whole grains a week can reduce the creation of arterial plaque buildup and the possibility of suffering from cholesterol and heart-related diseases.
6 – It is an antioxidant
Most of us associate antioxidants with blueberries and green tea, but we are not aware that brown rice is also a source of antioxidants.
We recommend using organic wild or brown rice as the best option. But, even if you can’t buy organic, simply switching from white rice to brown rice is a great first step to a healthy diet.
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