How to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Faster

Accelerating metabolism to lose weight has been surrounded by countless myths over time. This goes opposite to diets that limit eating on a large scale, fasting, and reducing protein consumption.

So it is important to recognize that metabolism, being a balance between energy production and administration in our body, can stimulate its functionality.

It is worth mentioning that people’s metabolism does not function under a strict calculation of our consumption, but rather on the correct operation of our enzymes and the principle of a healthy organism.

Below we will learn in depth what metabolism is and the best strategies to accelerate it.

What is metabolism?

Rinat Raner in her investigation of “What is metabolism and how is it measured?”, defines this process as a set of chemical reactions in the body responsible for converting consumed food into chemical energy. Energy that is essential for basic biological functions.

So, metabolism occurs at all hours and is controlled mainly by the thyroid glands. It is therefore that physical exercise, correct nutrition, and the correct functionality of these glands will allow us to control our weight and lose weight by accelerating our metabolism, this is our goal.

How to speed up your metabolism?

Accelerating the metabolism is equivalent to burning calories more frequently, and therefore the desired result is obtained.

Next, we will mention key strategies to send the correct signals to our body and achieve our goal: obtain a healthy, detoxified body and then eliminate those extra kilos.

Do strength training

The greater the amount of muscle mass, the higher the metabolism. Muscle naturally burns calories and fat for energy production.

In this sense, aerobic exercises are those that help develop strength and endurance. These are what exhaust us physically and allow the metabolism to remain in a state of activation permanently according to Dr. Elmer Huerta in his article “Metabolism: Is it possible to speed it up?”.

Eat at the same time.

Eating at stable times takes care of our health. Eating at irregular times unbalances our metabolism because the body is unaware of the next food intake and conditions the processes that are triggered with it.

PlusOn the Blog “Create Health”, they recommend the creation of meal schedules to develop habits and produce regularity and well-being of the body. It is a very important factor in the influence of Weight Management (Weight control).

Always have breakfast

Fasting is the number one enemy of metabolism, since those long periods of hunger to which we subject our body send signals to the body where it responds by reducing its processing to conserve energy.

Breakfast is the basis of the day, and consuming a nutritious and balanced one will help the body to process it and function correctly, having enough energy to do so and avoiding altering its correct performance.

Eat enough calories

Calories are the unit of energy in our body, so adequate consumption of them allows the body to develop its functions correctly. These, even if stored, are quick to release, unlike fats.

Consume proteins and omega-3

The consumption of proteins favors metabolism because the body must be in charge of processing them. Therefore, it is recommended to add nutrients from white meat, fish, or vegetables to the diet.

Fatty acids such as omega 3 facilitate protein metabolism and bioenergetics, especially in older adults.

A study made at the University of Wisconsin proved that if you eat foods rich in omega 3, the production of leptin is reduced, which consequently accelerates the metabolism.

Reduce carbohydrates

Reducing the carbohydrates consumed is key not to accelerate the metabolism but to lose weight.

And we say reduce and not eliminate, because there are carbohydrates that help us feel full and prevent us from consuming inappropriate foods due to anxiety attacks.

Consume green tea

Green tea has detoxifying and purifying properties, so by consuming it we avoid substances that hinder the correct performance of our body.

The catechin and caffeine that are part of the composition of green tea help speed up the metabolism. In a study in the scientific journal International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism is mentioned how caffeine and green tea combined help fat oxidation.

consume coffee

As we mentioned previously, studies prove that the consumption of drinks that contain caffeine in their nutrients promotes fat oxidation and accelerates metabolism, which is why it is a great ally for the objective of this article.

It is worth mentioning that if you drink tea (preferably green) or coffee, they are both considered excellent sources of this component that is usually included in The volumetric weight control plan (Volumetric weight control plan) for the objective to be met. They also help with the feeling of satiety and help improve brain function.

Consume enough water

Keeping the body hydrated is essential. And water is also considered an incredible fuel to activate the metabolism process.

In fact, for Dietary Plus It is exactly the lack of water that produces part of the slowing down of the metabolic process.

Rest properly

Sleep is key to the energy that the body requires to carry out its functions.

Some studies justify how sleeping does not accelerate the metabolism, but it does prevent the consumption of excess food to compensate for the tiredness you feel and the need to recover energy.

Avoid stress

Stress produces a hormone called cortisol, which leads to insulin spikes causes inflammation, and increases the risk of disease in the body.

In addition to that, stress alters metabolism and hinders biological functions such as fat oxidation, which is why avoiding it is convenient and recommended.

Moderate the portion of food at dinner.

At night, the metabolism slows down, and therefore foods rich in fats or sugars should be avoided at dinner time since they are not processed in the same way but directed to the warehouses. They are not burned but stored as fats.

It is important to mention that in studies made by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, It is emphasized that dinner should not be skipped as it impairs physical and mental performance. Adequate intakes are recommended at lunches and snacks to reduce the portion at dinner time.

Do sprints

The Bexplains explain that performing sprints stimulates the production of growth in the body and this contributes to the development of muscle mass.

In this way, the metabolism of the muscles is accelerated, helping to burn calories even after the workout. Do sprints before breakfast and then eat protein to stimulate the functionality of the activity.

Moderate fat consumption

Fat is an excellent source of energy, but moderating consumption avoids the need for excess effort to eliminate it in the body.

Taking care of our diet will always be the true ally of a correct strategy to lose weight.

Increases thermogenesis from exercise activity

Thermogenesis is defined as that process in which the cells of our body generate heat, to maintain a correct and constant temperature in the body and then be able to normally carry out those chemical reactions essential for the correct functioning of our system.

In the research titled “Obesity, thermogenesis and thyroid hormones” it is specified that thanks to physical activity in different forms, thermogenesis is positively influenced and this allows thyroid hormones to process their energy expenditure.

Likewise, the “Exercise Activity Thermogenesis” (Thermogenesis of exercise activity) is a component that varies greatly depending on the lifestyle of the subject and the reduction of physical exercise is one of the main factors that produce obesity today.

Avoid alcoholic beverages

The consumption of alcoholic beverages inhibits the correct functionality of the enzymes that are responsible for metabolizing and therefore affects the correct and ideal metabolic process.

By consuming alcohol, we are being counterproductive to the effort made to accelerate our metabolism. In the research titled: “Alcohol and Human Metabolism” goes into greater detail about which enzymes function in alcohol metabolism and how they deviate from their specificity.

Eat spicy

Consuming foods such as spicy foods, caffeine, and green tea fulfill certain functions that give a certain stimulus to the process. The capsaicin main component of hot peppers contributes to the acceleration of metabolism as it stimulates thermogenesis and energy burning.

So, it is understood that if you eat spicy food, the feeling of satiety is increased, including also an increase in fluid consumption which helps to increase the body’s temperature, thus reducing energy expenditure.

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