Six Essential Foods You Need for Optimal Nutrition

Almonds Almonds stand out for their high calcium content necessary in your body for strong bones, due to their content of vegetable fatty acids and a large amount of potassium, essential for the transmission of nerve impulses. It’s about the dried fruit most nutritious in the world. Almonds are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins B and E, … Read more

7 Effective Yoga Postures for Weight Loss: Target Your Abdomen and Legs

Yoga is an exceptional practice to balance body and mind. It is an exercise that tones and stretches the muscles, achieving harmony in a posture that corrects ailments and loses weight. Cardio is important for burning fat, but contrary to popular belief, cardio is not the only exercise to lose weight and must be accompanied … Read more

How to Slim Your Waist: Part 2 – Stick to an Effective Exercise Routine

Reduce waist It is one of the most difficult objectives to achieve, so patience is the primary ingredient to achieve it. We told you in the blog post about the importance of having a balanced diet. Nevertheless, diet and exercise They go hand in hand if you want to reach your goal. The result depends … Read more